Debunking 6 Common Incontinence Myths

Despite incontinence being experienced by millions of people, there are still so many myths out there about the condition. We’re here to debunk them once and for all.

Debunking 5 Common Incontinence Myths

Despite incontinence being experienced by millions of people, there are still so many myths out there about the condition. We’re here to debunk them once and for all.

Debunking 6 Common Incontinence Myths

Despite its prevalence, incontinence is still quite a misunderstood condition.

Because of the sensitivity and secrecy that still surrounds incontinence, there are many myths floating around about the condition that are simply untrue. Some of these can actually be harmful as they mislead people into making potentially damaging decisions regarding their incontinence, or they ignore getting a diagnosis and proper treatment completely.

In this article, we will debunk six of the most common incontinence myths and shed light on the importance of seeking help, managing symptoms, and promoting a better understanding of this condition.

Debunking 6 Common Incontinence Myths

Myth 1 - Incontinence is a normal part of ageing

Perhaps one of the most widespread myths about incontinence is that it is an inevitable part of ageing.

While it’s true that the risk of developing incontinence increases with age, it’s actually not a natural consequence of growing older. Incontinence is a medical condition that can result from various factors, such as weakened pelvic floor muscles, nerve damage, or certain medical conditions. Some of these factors can be influenced by ageing, but that doesn't mean incontinence is unavoidable.

If you’re of older age and you are experiencing incontinence symptoms, please do not accept this as normal and seek advice from your doctor as soon as possible. With the right lifestyle modifications, exercises, and treatments, incontinence symptoms can be significantly reduced, regardless of age.

Debunking 6 Common Incontinence Myths

Myth 2 - Incontinence is only a women's issue

Incontinence is often associated with women because of its connection with pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause. And while it is true that incontinence is more common in women, this myth completely overlooks the fact that men can also experience incontinence.

Male incontinence can be linked to prostate surgery, nerve damage, or pelvic surgery.

Incontinence can affect people of any gender, including children and teenagers. By recognising that incontinence is not exclusive to women, we can encourage everyone to seek help and support without stigma.

Debunking 6 Common Incontinence Myths

Myth 3 - Incontinence is caused by drinking too much fluid

It is a common misconception that limiting fluid intake can cure or prevent incontinence. Unfortunately, this couldn’t be further from the truth!

Reducing your fluids dramatically is not a recommended solution for managing incontinence for a number of reasons including:

  • Limiting your fluid intake can make incontinence worse because it reduces your bladder's capacity.

  • If you’re dehydrated, your urine can become concentrated and irritate your bladder, causing infection and therefore worsening your incontinence symptoms.

Instead of lessening your fluid intake, focus on consuming a balanced amount and avoid bladder irritants, such as caffeine and alcohol, which can also worsen incontinence symptoms. If you’re not sure how much fluid, water in particular, you should be drinking, have a chat with your doctor.

Debunking 6 Common Incontinence Myths

Myth 4 - Kegel exercises can cure all types of incontinence

Kegel or pelvic floor exercises, which involve contracting and relaxing the pelvic floor muscles, are often recommended as a solution for incontinence. While these exercises can be effective in certain cases, they are not a one-size-fits-all remedy.

Different types of incontinence have varying underlying causes, and pelvic floor exercises may not be suitable or effective for everyone. Proper diagnosis by a healthcare professional is crucial to determine the most appropriate treatment plan, which may include a combination of exercises, medication, or other therapies.

Debunking 6 Common Incontinence Myths

Myth 5 - Incontinence can't be treated

Feeling embarrassed or ashamed about incontinence might lead some people to believe that nothing can be done to improve their condition. But this isn’t the case.

Incontinence is in many cases a treatable condition, and there are various management options available. Seeking help from a healthcare provider is the first step towards finding relief.

From behavioural and lifestyle changes to medications, surgical interventions, or specialised devices, there are treatments to address different types of incontinence.

Debunking 6 Common Incontinence Myths

Myth 6 - Using adult nappies is the only solution

While adult nappies (also known as pull-ups and slips), pads and other incontinence products are extremely beneficial for those experiencing the condition as they provide temporary relief and discretion, they aren’t the only solution for managing incontinence.

Relying solely on incontinence products to manage the condition, may hinder individuals from seeking proper medical attention and exploring more effective long-term treatments.

Incontinence pads, pull-ups and slips should be seen as a tool for managing symptoms during the treatment process. However, the quality of these products is extremely important as they can bring the utmost comfort and confidence to the person wearing them.

We’re proud of our Dailee range of pads and guards, pull-ups, all-in-one slips and Magics Youth Pants. They’re European-made and are manufactured using patented absorbency technology that makes them extremely fast drying and superior at protecting against leaks. This is important as it means the wearer is dry between changes which maintain their comfort and confidence, while also protecting their skin health. They also feature up to 12 hours of odour-locking capabilities to further maintain freshness.

Debunking 6 Common Incontinence Myths

Our parting tip - always seek advice!

Debunking common myths surrounding incontinence is essential to promote understanding, encourage individuals to seek help, and reduce the stigma associated with the condition.

There are effective treatments available, and it's crucial to consult a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and personalized treatment plans. By breaking the silence and dispelling these myths, we can empower individuals to take control of their health, well-being, and overall quality of life.

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