10 Natural Ways To Reduce Gas and Bloating

You don’t have to live with abdominal discomfort. Here are some of our tips to help you reduce bloating naturally.

10 Natural Ways To Reduce Gas and Bloating

You don’t have to live with abdominal discomfort. Here are some of our tips to help you reduce bloating naturally.

bloating and person touching stomach

Whether or not you experience incontinence, we can all agree that bloating is as uncomfortable as it is common.

In fact, one US-based study of over 80,000 participants found that 1 in 7 of them, women more often than men, suffer from abdominal bloating [1].

But don’t worry, we’re going to share some natural, easy ways to reduce bloating shortly!

Bloating is the feeling that your stomach is full or stretched, and is indeed caused by the organs in your digestive system being stretched. This can occur when liquid, gas or solids build up in your gut or you have weaker stomach muscles, like if you’re postpartum.

If you’re feeling bloated, some other symptoms you may also experience alongside it can include:

  • Stomach cramps

  • Gas (flatulence)

  • Burping

  • Diarrhoea

  • Constipation

Now, while bloating might be common and usually short-lived, that doesn’t mean it should just be accepted as ‘normal’. If you’re experiencing consistent bloating, it’s important to speak with your doctor as it could indicate an underlying health issue or condition.

As for the causes of bloating, these vary from minor to severe depending on the individual’s experience. However, some common causes can include:

  • Food intolerances or allergies

  • Eating foods that contain compounds like fibre, sugar alcohols and FODMAPs which can ferment in your colon

  • Swallowing excess air

  • An increased amount of fluid in your bowels

  • Constipation

  • Imbalances in your gut microbiome

  • Hormonal changes around menstruation

Given how vast the causes can be, this is why it’s important to speak with your doctor if you’re experiencing ongoing or consistent bloating, and/or any symptoms associated with bloating such as gas and constipation.

While the treatment of bloating will depend on your individual cause and symptoms, there are some natural ways to reduce bloating you can try yourself.

probiotic meal

1. Take a daily probiotic

You know how earlier we mentioned imbalances in your gut microbiome can be a cause of bloating? Well, daily probiotics can help you combat that.

Studies suggest that probiotics could boost the number and types of bacteria in your gut which may reduce inflammation and bloating [2].

Probiotics can be consumed in tablet form which you can buy from a pharmacy, or they are also found in foods such as yoghurt, kefir, sauerkraut, tempeh and miso.

junk food

2. Limit high salt & fatty foods

A high salt intake has been shown to contribute to water retention in the gut, which can encourage feelings of bloating [3][4]. According to SA Health, the healthy amount of salt, or sodium, for an adult in Australia is 460-920mg per day which is equivalent to about one and a half teaspoons. Try to reduce your salt intake where possible, especially when opting for premade or prepackaged foods which can often contain high amounts of sodium.

Foods high in unhealthy fats - such as fried food, fast food, lollies, potato chips, and chocolate - can cause your intestine to hold excess gas and increase the feeling of fullness and bloating [5]. Reducing these kinds of foods is not only beneficial in combatting bloating, but also your overall health.

peppermint leaf

3. Drink peppermint tea

Peppermint as an aid for digestion has quite a long history in traditional medicine [6][7].

While human studies and trials testing peppermint tea specifically are not as prevalent as the studies of peppermint oil have shown that it can relax muscles and have anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial effects on the body [8].

And given one study showed that a single peppermint tea bag supplied six times more peppermint oil than a serving of peppermint oil capsules, sipping on a warm cup of minty fresh tea can’t hurt [9]!

lady going for a walk in a park

4. Take a walk

We get it, when you’re bloated sometimes the last thing you want to do is move!

But hear us out. Going for a short, light walk after meals can help get rid of trapped gas from your bowels. One study, in particular, found that even 10 to 15 minutes walking after a meal improved the feeling of being bloated more so than medications did [10].

Other research on people with IBS has associated walking, and even cycling, with long-term improvements in symptoms like bloating [11].

fodmap diet products

5. Try a low-FODMAP diet

Before we dive into this one, we just want to note that you should always speak with your doctor before making any changes to your diet.

FODMAPs are a type of carbohydrates found in a variety of foods. When in the small and large intestine, FODMAP molecules draw more fluid into the bowel and are rapidly fermented by colonic microflora (bacteria in the colon) which produces gas. An increase of fluid and gas can cause the sensation of bloating and abdominal discomfort. People that suffer with IBS are usually recommended a low-FODMAP diet to avoid this.

There are numerous studies that indicate limiting the intake of FODMAPs may reduce bloating and other symptoms in people with IBS [12][13].

High FODMAP foods include:

  • Garlic and onions

  • Apples

  • Green peas

  • Some marinated meats

  • Dairy products

  • Chickpeas

  • Breads containing wheat, barley and/or rye

mindful eating

6. Take your time when eating

Eating quickly can cause you to inhale too much air, known as aerophagia, which is said to be a possible cause of bloating, especially in those with gut disorders such as IBS [14].

Taking your time when eating to ensure you’re not swallowing too much air. Also making sure you’re not eating in a stressful environment (you might be on-the-run or just generally stressed) can also decrease the likelihood of swallowing too much air. Eating until you’re no more than 80% full can also help reduce the feeling of bloating.

woman doing yoga pose

7. Do some yoga poses

Yoga poses not only help you relax your body overall, they can help you to release excess air and trapped gas, which may reduce bloating.

Poses that are helpful include child’s pose, happy baby pose, seated forward bend and wind relieving pose (of course!).

You can view how to do said poses here.

five fizzy drinks

8. Swap out fizzy drinks

Carbonated beverages, even if just sparkling water, can cause bloating. How you ask?

Well because the water is blended with gas to make it fizzy, that gas can then lead to your tummy feeling bloated. Sugar-rich carbonated drinks are even worse for bloating because they also spike your blood sugar, which is followed by an insulin spike that may cause excess storage of fat around the stomach area.

woman with stomach pain and hot water bottle

9. Apply gentle heat

Using a heat pack over your stomach can help reduce the discomfort associated with bloating. And while it’s more relief than treatment, it’s still quite effective and easy to do.

If you’ve got a bathtub, you can also try having a nice warm bath. The gentle warmth will help induce relaxation of your body, which may allow the gastrointestinal tract to function more effectively and help reduce your bloating.

asian man passing gas

10. Don’t hold it in!

If you get the urge to pass gas, you need to let it out!

Holding in flatulence in leads to a build up of abdominal pressure and can cause abdominal distension (swollen beyond it’s usual size). Obviously we understand that sometimes you may not be in an ideal location to relieve yourself of gas! But, if you can, try to take yourself to a more convenient location or even just head to the toilet.

If you have faecal incontinence and therefore the urge to pass stool, wearing incontinence pull-ups will eliminate the worry and ensure you’re as comfortable as possible. Our range of pull-ups and adult nappies for men and women offer varying levels of protection and absorbency based on your needs. They’ll keep you feeling comfortable and confident throughout the day!

We hope these 10 natural ways to reduce bloating help you out! Remember, if you’re experiencing ongoing, consistent bloating and abdominal discomfort, see your doctor for further support.

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