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How To Dispose of Adult Nappies When Out and About

Knowing how to correctly remove, replace and dispose of continence aids in public will allow you to go about your day more confidently and comfortably.
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How To Dispose of Adult Nappies When Out and About
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Knowing how to best change and dispose of your continence aids when out in public can give you a newfound sense of comfort and confidence. 


However, whether you’re new to incontinence or not, sometimes knowing how and where to dispose of your incontinence products as an adult might not be clear or easily accessible.


That’s why our continence nurse and ConfidenceClub Jane Clarke has shared her tips below on effectively managing the condition when you’re out and about.


Can you dispose of soiled adult nappies in sanitary bins?


While most only see sanitary bins for feminine hygiene products, they can be used to dispose of incontinence aids. 

Sanitary bins should be in female toilets, disabled toilets, and baby change rooms. Fortunately, there has been growing recognition for male toilets to also contain sanitary bins, so these facilities are becoming more available in men’s toilets as well. 


If there is not a sanitary bin available, or the product does not fit into the sanitary bin, it should be wrapped and bagged securely, and placed into a rubbish bin. More on how to do this effectively is below, so keep reading!


How should you properly dispose of soiled adult nappies?


Used incontinence aids can be folded or rolled up to avoid leakage and reduce odours. If your pull-up or slip is soiled, make sure you empty the stool into the toilet before rolling up and disposing of it.

These used products should then be placed in a suitable disposal bag and discarded into a rubbish bin. 


Using a scented opaque disposal bag can help prevent odours and conceal the contents, helping to maintain privacy and dignity. Be sure to fasten the bag securely to prevent unpleasant smells or leakage. If you’re worried, you can place the soiled product in a snap-lock bag, and then inside a disposable bag for added protection.


Remember, incontinence aids of any kind (including wipes) should NOT be flushed down the toilet. This can cause serious damage to plumbing.


Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly with soap (or use hand sanitiser if you don’t have access to a sink) after removing and changing your incontinence aid.


What incontinence aids are helpful to have on hand when in public?


Accidents happen and you never know exactly when you may need to change your incontinence aids, so being prepared is always a good idea. 


A change of comfortable clothes might also be a good idea if you suffer from complete loss of bladder or bowel control.


Think ahead of time and consider packing spare pads, wipes, nappy bags, underwear, and hand sanitiser. If you are particularly concerned about odour, consider using odour-controlled incontinence products such as the Dailee by ConfidenceClub pads, pull-ups and slips.


These products feature incredible odour-locking technology and materials that keep unwanted scents at bay for up to 12 hours. This is great peace of mind when you’re out and about and concerned about changing and disposing of adult nappies and other incontinence products.


What to do if you need to change at a friend or family member’s house?


If you’re concerned about putting your used incontinence aid in the bathroom bin at a friend's or family member’s house and you aren’t staying overnight, you can place the item in a scented, opaque disposal bag and then place this inside a closable bag or backpack until you leave.


If you’re staying overnight and don’t wish to place any waste in the bathroom bin, you can always dispose of your product/s in the larger outside rubbish bin. Still, be sure to tie it tightly in a disposal bag before doing so.


To make things more comfortable overall, we recommend having a conversation with your loved ones about your incontinence. If you’re not sure where to start, or you’re nervous about how to talk about it, we created some conversation tips to help you.


We hope you’ve found these tips for how to change and dispose of your adult nappies and other incontinence products helpful.


If you need any product recommendations, please don’t hesitate to contact us and speak to one of our friendly and knowledgeable product specialists.

About the Author: Gabriella Del Grande

Having begun her career as a journalist, Gabriella has been weaving words to create engaging and educational content for over a decade. Gabriella loves to write insightful pieces that empower readers to take control of their health and wellbeing so they can live their lives to the fullest. Along with crafting articles, Gabriella has an eye for design, producing and overseeing visual content from short-form Instagram reels and TikToks to long-form brand campaigns and video series.

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